Original Mural Painting Pictures
We've been discussing design elements these past 3 sessions. Here are some images of original Kerala mural paintings preserved in the Padmanabapuram Palace, Kaniyakumari district.
I have about 17 of these. I'll post 3 at a time. If you want to zoom, you'll get better results if you use a photoediting software like MS Paint, GIMP, Photoshop etc.
We've been discussing design elements these past 3 sessions. Here are some images of original Kerala mural paintings preserved in the Padmanabapuram Palace, Kaniyakumari district.
I have about 17 of these. I'll post 3 at a time. If you want to zoom, you'll get better results if you use a photoediting software like MS Paint, GIMP, Photoshop etc.
When you go through these pictures, I suggest that you ignore the drawing style (as it differs from place to place; probably because of the artists who drew them) and concentrate on the design elements. Because, Kerala mural paintings no matter where you find them, all share these same basic features.
I'll use these pictures in future sessions, to draw your attention to certain aspects of design.
Please be patient while the pictures load. They are about 3 MB each, If I reduce the size any more, you won't be able to zoom to view details.
Please be patient while the pictures load. They are about 3 MB each, If I reduce the size any more, you won't be able to zoom to view details.
These should give you an idea of what we've been discussing so far. Most of the paintings are badly damaged and the photography poor (mine of course).
But then these were taken in 2010 and I did not know the importance of zooming, or that'd want more details in the future; and I used to just point and shoot. Consequently, I just have the pictures and not much of the details. I lament the lost opportunity.
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