
Monday 29 September 2014

Kerala Mural Painting : Free Online Class - Session IV D

Friday 19 September 2014

Kerala Mural Painting : Free Online Class - Session IV A

Original Mural Painting Pictures

We've been discussing design elements these past 3 sessions.  Here are some images of original Kerala mural paintings preserved in the Padmanabapuram Palace, Kaniyakumari district.

I have about 17 of these.  I'll post 3 at a time. If you want to zoom, you'll get better results if you use a photoediting software like MS Paint, GIMP, Photoshop etc. 

When you go through these pictures, I suggest that you ignore the drawing style (as it differs from place to place; probably because of the artists who drew them) and concentrate on the design elements. Because, Kerala mural paintings no matter where you find them, all share these same basic features.

I'll use these pictures in future sessions, to draw your attention to certain aspects of design.

Please be patient while the pictures load. They are about 3 MB each, If I reduce the size any more, you won't be able to zoom to view details.




These should give you an idea of what we've been discussing so far. Most of the paintings are badly damaged and the photography poor (mine of course). 

But then these were taken in 2010 and I did not know the importance of zooming, or that'd want more details in the future; and I used to just point and shoot.  Consequently, I just have the pictures and not much of the details. I lament the lost opportunity.

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Thursday 18 September 2014

Kerala Mural Painting : Free Online Class - Session III

Ornaments for Shoulders and Upper Arms

1 and 2 are both shoulder ornaments and may appear similar at first glance except for the centre 'a' and 'b'. But take a closer look.
  • At place where the rest of the ornament meets the centre, in 'a' there are sworls on either side of the centre and none in 'b'.
  • Also the two central lines in the main part of the ornament are not connected by those tiny parallel lines as in 'b'. Personally I prefer the one with the lines because when painting, the central gap is white and the tiny connectors are done in black. This adds a wonderful contrast to the overall finish of the picture
Ornament 3 starts at the shoulders and hangs to the elbows.
4 is just a more ornate varition for the tip of 3.

Ornament 5 belongs to the middle of the upper arm.

Onrnaments for Ears

There are different combinations for ornamenting the ears in Kerala Mural paintings. However the 3 mentioned below are the most common and more aesthetic.
  1. In 4, there is an ornament behind the ear with elaborate  long leaves emerging from it. But the ear lobe itself is bare. Use  6 or 7 for the ear lobe.
  2. Now observe 5. You see just the leaves emerging from behind the ears and again the ear lobe is bare. You can use 1, 2, or 3 on the earlobes.
  3. Sometimes the ear itself is left bare and the ornamentation as in 4 including the leaves is moved to the ear lobe; however, if you do this, remember to complete the other half of the main ornament. You can also replace the main ornament in 4 with 1, 2 or 3.
In the next session we, look into embellishments on garments and hair.

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Wednesday 10 September 2014

Kerala Mural Painting : Free Online Class - Session II

Why bother with design elements?

"The artist is born to pick, and choose, and group with science, these elements, that the result may be beautiful - as the musician gathers his notes, and forms his chords, until he bring forth from chaos glorious harmony."
                        - James A McNeill Whistler [The Art of Color and Design - Maitland Graves (1951)]

Do you need to be an artist to paint a reasonably attractive picture? Not necessary.  But it does help if you have a sense of form and proportion. 

In this session, let's take a more than superficial look at the ornaments adorning the hands and feet of the subjects in the paintings. 

Kaivalakal (bangles) and bands adorning the upper arm - The picture below shows some of the most common styles of  ornaments for the arms, typical to this style of painting.  Whiles these are common, there is more. For instance, observe the ornaments in this Kottakal temple mural. It's a good idea to sketch the different styles of ornaments.That way, if you find a beautiful picture with plain ornaments, you can embellish it to your heart's content.
2. Kalvalakal (ornaments for the feet) and 3. Modiram (finger rings and toe rings)

Do take the time to take a look at Kerala mural painting pictures available online and note down the different styles.

In the next session we'll take a look at the design elements that go into the ear and shoulder ornaments.

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Tuesday 9 September 2014

Kerala Mural Painting - Free Online Class - Session I - Materials Required

Mural paintings are nothing but wall paintings. Mural paintings of yester years, the world over, were as a general rule, done on walls in places of worship.

Cave paintings and frescoes  fall under this category.

The Ajanta caves is home to some really old and exotic mural paintings. It appears that in executing these exotic treasures, artists the world over were least concerned with the modesty of their subjects.

So, do not be surprised if you find female deities in these paintings almost always semi-nude, despite the elaborate ornaments adorning their body.

We, of course, could exercise our artistic license and dress them modestly if we want to.

So, let's get started. Before we look into the materials used for this style of painting, you have to select the picture you want to paint.

Selecting the Design:
you need to make two decisions here.  i) design and ii) size. 
  1. Type "Mural paintings of Kerala" in Google images and check out all the images Google throws at you.  I am sure one of them will grab your attention. So, you got your picture. 
  2. Download the image and take a colour printout on thick paper - the kind posters are printed on - A4 size. If you have to stretch the picture to fit the A4 paper make sure you pull the corners to reduce or increase the size. Don't tamper with the sides, the top or bottom; you'll mess up the proportions of the picture - we definitely don't want that.
  3. Now, the size... Ask yourself where you are going to hang it.
  4. Check out the available canvas sizes. You can buy the canvas roll online. (Note: I am using left over canvas from my previous project. So, I've not tried this seller.  However, I plan to order some and I'll let you know how it goes). It should be available with your local camelin dealers. If it isn't you can pay an advance and cajole them into getting it for you.
  5. As a general rule the painting is done on a 27" x 1 meter canvas roll. Alternately, you can use canvas boards. The bigger the size, the more captivating and attention grabbing the painting.  But then again, anything goes.
Materials Required:
  1. Canvas Roll - 1 meter or canvas board - size 27"x 1 meter or 29" x 23" or thereabouts (they mostly come in standard sizes).
  2. Acrylic and (not or) poster colour paints - scarlet lake, sap green, brunt sienna, Prussian Blue, Black, yellow ochre, chrome yellow, and gambouge hue (if you don't get gambouge, we'll make do with ochre and chrome)
  3. 6 small air-tight containers ( e.g. 200 gm jam bottles)
  4. Yellow carbon sheets - 10 (should be available @ your local wholesale stationary shop)
  5. Tracing paper same size as the canvas.  I personally prefer 'Gateway Tracing Paper' (available in rolls in all wholesale stationary shops in all reasonably big towns). Alternately, I also use the tracing paper new sarees come packed in.
  6. Brushes - fine hair round brushes nos. 0, 1,2,3 and flat brush no:1
  7. Pro-circle, cello-tape, stapler, scissors, foot-ruler, pencils, ear buds, eraser.
  8. White acrylic distemper - 1 litre or 1/2 litre if available
  9. Synthetic hair epoxy brush 2" or 2.5" wide -1 (for applying a base coat of white acrylic distemper on the canvas).
  10. Mug for diluting distemper
  11. Rags for wiping paint
  12. Old newspaper for spreading on your work area
In our next session, we'll discuss the design elements unique to Kerala mural paintings. It is important to be familiar with this aspect before moving on to enlarging and tracing the picture and transferring it to canvas.

All sessions of Kerala Mural Painting Free Online Classes

Update: Sep 10 20014: It would be good if you could manage to buy the kind of brushes in the image below.  Notice that the bristles are longer than what you generally get.  They are called long haired round brushes.

Kerala Mural Painting - Free Online Class - Session I - Materials Required

Mural paintings are nothing but wall paintings. Mural paintings of yester years, the world over, were as a general rule, done on walls in places of worship.

Cave paintings and frescoes  fall under this category.

The Ajanta caves is home to some really old and exotic mural paintings. It appears that in executing these exotic treasures, artists the world over were least concerned with the modesty of their subjects.

So, do not be surprised if you find female deities in these paintings almost always semi-nude, despite the elaborate ornaments adorning their body.

We, of course, could exercise our artistic license and dress them modestly if we want to.

So, let's get started. Before we look into the materials used for this style of painting, you have to select the picture you want to paint.

Selecting the Design:
you need to make two decisions here.  i) design and ii) size. 
  1. Type "Mural paintings of Kerala" in Google images and check out all the images Google throws at you.  I am sure one of them will grab your attention. So, you got your picture. 
  2. Download the image and take a colour printout on thick paper - the kind posters are printed on - A4 size. If you have to stretch the picture to fit the A4 paper make sure you pull the corners to reduce or increase the size. Don't tamper with the sides, the top or bottom; you'll mess up the proportions of the picture - we definitely don't want that.
  3. Now, the size... Ask yourself where you are going to hang it.
  4. Check out the available canvas sizes. You can buy the canvas roll online. (Note: I am using left over canvas from my previous project. So, I've not tried this seller.  However, I plan to order some and I'll let you know how it goes). It should be available with your local camelin dealers. If it isn't you can pay an advance and cajole them into getting it for you.
  5. As a general rule the painting is done on a 27" x 1 meter canvas roll. Alternately, you can use canvas boards. The bigger the size, the more captivating and attention grabbing the painting.  But then again, anything goes.
Materials Required:
  1. Canvas Roll - 1 meter or canvas board - size 27"x 1 meter or 29" x 23" or thereabouts (they mostly come in standard sizes).
  2. Acrylic and (not or) poster colour paints - scarlet lake, sap green, brunt sienna, Prussian Blue, Black, yellow ochre, chrome yellow, and gambouge hue (if you don't get gambouge, we'll make do with ochre and chrome)
  3. 6 small air-tight containers ( e.g. 200 gm jam bottles)
  4. Yellow carbon sheets - 10 (should be available @ your local wholesale stationary shop)
  5. Tracing paper same size as the canvas.  I personally prefer 'Gateway Tracing Paper' (available in rolls in all wholesale stationary shops in all reasonably big towns). Alternately, I also use the tracing paper new sarees come packed in.
  6. Brushes - fine hair round brushes nos. 0, 1,2,3 and flat brush no:1
  7. Pro-circle, cello-tape, stapler, scissors, foot-ruler, pencils, ear buds, eraser.
  8. White acrylic distemper - 1 litre or 1/2 litre if available
  9. Synthetic hair epoxy brush 2" or 2.5" wide -1 (for applying a base coat of white acrylic distemper on the canvas).
  10. Mug for diluting distemper
  11. Rags for wiping paint
  12. Old newspaper for spreading on your work area
In our next session, we'll discuss the design elements unique to Kerala mural paintings. It is important to be familiar with this aspect before moving on to enlarging and tracing the picture and transferring it to canvas.

All sessions of Kerala Mural Painting Free Online Classes

Update: Sep 10 20014: It would be good if you could manage to buy the kind of brushes in the image below.  Notice that the bristles are longer than what you generally get.  They are called long haired round brushes.